Insurance Claim F A Qs
What is the difference between a Remodeling Contractor and an Insurance Restoration Contractor?
A Remodeling Contractor is what most people typically think of when when they think of a contractor, they are typically called when a clients is looking to update or upgrade a certain aspect of their home, they give clients a “retail” bid and primarily focus on the the design and construction aspect of the project.
An Insurance Restoration Contractor not only focuses on the construction aspect of the project but also is highly skilled in working with insurance companies. They work to help get the full scope of the job approved through your insurance company prior to starting the work.
Is Hail or Wind Damage covered under my Insurance Policy?
Yes, both hail and wind damage are covered losses under you homeowners insurance policy.
What is an Insurance Adjuster?
The insurance adjuster works for and is paid by the insurance company. They work on the insurance company’s behalf to gather information and document any damage regarding a claim. They are also responsible for assessing & building the scope of work to be completed to bring a homeowner back to pre-storm conditions. Their interstress lie with their employer which many times do not reflect the homeowner’s best interest.
What is a Public Adjuster?
Much like an insurance adjuster they do the same tasks of evaluating and assessing the damage. Both will write up proposals for repairs and their costs. The key difference is who employs them and who’s interests they represent.
Our Public Adjuster partners provide you peace of mind knowing there is a professional in your corner who can secure the best possible settlements. A public adjuster navigates your insurance policy, combing through the details and complex language to be sure you are aware of your obligations and time restrictions. We know and understand the emotional toll on families and we are there to support you all along the way. AtNuRoof Restorations, we expertly evaluate and document your losses—including hidden damages. And we not only prepare your claim and communicate with your insurance company on your behalf, but also negotiate for the best insurance settlement possible to help you recover.
Do I need a Public Adjuster?
Think of it this way. If you sell your property, you work with a realtor to get the best possible outcome. If you are dealing with the IRS, you hire an accountant to get the best possible outcome. If you suffer property damage, you should work with a professional public adjuster to get the best possible outcome from your claim.
How much does a Public Adjuster cost?
Typically a public adjuster charges $1000-$3000+ on a standard claim, but working with NuRoof Restorations we cover all public adjusting fees!
How long will the the Insurance Process take?
The Insurance claims process can vary widely depending on your insurance company and the size of the scope of loss we are working to get approved. A typical storm damaged roof claim usually take 6 to 10 weeks to get filed, approved and installed. If there is a dispute over what should be covered under the claim (ie the insurance company wants to repair the roof and we believe it needs to be completely replaced) it can take longer.
What is my deductible and do I have to pay it?
It's the portion of a covered loss that, according to your policy, you've agreed to pay before the insurance company starts paying for costs of the loss. For example, if you have a covered loss of $12,000 and your policy carries a $1000 deductible, you'll pay the first $1000 and we'll pay the remaining $11,000. It is very similar to health insurance co-pay.
Can a contractor “Cover’ my deductible?
No. A deductible is part of your home insurance policy. It’s insurance fraud and illegal for contractors to waive your deductible or help you avoid paying it.
Contractors who say they will waive your deductible might be sending false information to your insurance company about the cost of repairs. That would be fraud. And a contractor who offers to waive your deductible is likely making up the difference by cutting corners or using lower quality products. That can lead to more claims and repairs later.
Will my premium go up if I file a hail or storm damage claim?
Typically NO. Since weather damage isn’t caused by your negligence, your insurer usually won’t hike your rate. However, your rate may increase if you’ve filed a claim within the three previous years, and this claim is your second.
Also, while your individual rate may not go up, if you live in an area prone to hail or storm damage, the insurance company may charge everyone in that vicinity a higher base rate compared to places where hail and storm damage is infrequent.
How long does a roof replacement typically take?
Our standard roof replacements typically take one day, we arrive at 7-8am and unusually wrap up around 4-6pm.